“I will meditate on Your precepts and regard Your ways. I shall delight in Your statutes; I shall not forget Your word.” Psalm 119:15-16

When I served on the ship MV Doulos, we had sailed through some pretty dangerous waters at times. Before these voyages, the deckhands would go around the ship and secure very heavy objects knowing that if they were unhinged or not secured, it would be dangerous, as the ship would rock and violently lurch at times.

As I think on scripture this morning and consider the absolutes, I realize life is like my time on the ship. During this voyage, the storms come, and the winds of the storm often cause things to see out of control. What can I do? I can secure my faith. How? By keeping those heavy, absolute truths tied close to me. I need to stay hinged to the truth in the whole of scripture. Those things I have always known to be true. Like the infallibility of the word, creation, the Trinity, the virgin birth, the life of Christ, the cross of Christ, the resurrection of Christ, and all the early church held true.

Believer, keep hinged to the full counsel of God through His Holy Bible. Stay secure in the things you know are absolutely true. Otherwise, when the storms of life happen, you will be in very dangerous waters. You will lose your footing. Those truths which are heavy or weighty are actually what will keep you grounded.

Do not be tossed to and fro by the storms of life or by every new teaching. Stay secure in God’s Word. His word is both your anchor and your compass which steadies you and guides you. | Laurie L. Ferris